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Using form and concepts of the body to identify, locate and digest the self. I 'hunt' by using tools such as myth, atmosphere and structures of reality.


There are moments where it feels like something has sprout off of my being. Nothing is lost, and they don't lurk or hunt me but I can feel them. Extensions of thoughts and emotions, social systems I don't understand or better yet, don't care for. Providing space to revisit the objects on the metaphorical bookshelf in my minf. Thingd and totems of life, finally taking time to digest.


 - Elise Bagnoli

FALL 2020-SUMMER 2023

These structures, reiterate the ideas of order vs. abstract emotion/experience. Landscapes and other images are also used as doorways to help navigate the paintings. Establishing and embellishing the world, scenes and characters.

Although Elise views her artistic practice as a exploration of her own mental-scape and is very open to discussing themes regarding mental health, she urges anyone who needs help to reach out to the appropriate resources.

 If you need immediate help, reach out to the suicide prevention hotline at 9-8-8 

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